TAURUS is an automatic system designed for the ultrasonic inspection of
aeronautical components using water jet through-transmission and/
or pulse-echo phased-array techniques. It is based on an industrial
robot armmounted on a linear track. The robot can perform
Pulse Echo inspections with a range of end-effectors or TTU
inspections with a yoke.
The system can assure coverage of the complete part
including geometrical features such as surfaces with
double curvature, edges, cut-outs, radii, T or Ω
stringers. In addition, the system can be equipped
with other advanced functionalities such as a
defect marker or a teaching laser scanner. These
inspection modules can be easily mounted
on the machine using an automatic tool
changer and its associated stand.
Proven Advantages
, a unified environment
covering all process steps.
: PA, TTU and PE.
, working with wide range of
products geometries.
, high inspection speed
and Phased Array technology.
, to progressively increase its
Tecnatom will adapt any machine to fulfill the
customer’s requirements.
Robot Based Automatic Inspection System