Tecnatom has a set of products perfectly integrated to ensure effective, safe and quick reactor pressure vessel inspections. Tecnatom inspection systems offer a technologically advanced solution that allows inspecting large areas in surfaces and precise analysis detecting a wide range of defectology, in order to detect and characterize all flaws with regard the integrity of the component.
Tecnatom Inspection Systems are based on its own cutting edge technology, providing: mechanical equipment, UT instrument, EC instrument, and UT, ET integrated acquisition and analysis software suites. The main components of the inspection systems are:
Tecnatom-ndt has designed, developed and manufactured several advanced proprietary mechanical equipments to cover different inspection necessities of the different components or parts of the Reactor Vessel in nuclear plants. These are our main inspection equipments on nuclear field:
We have extensive experience in the inspections of PWR and BWR vessels, providing high quality under strict specifications in order to reduce the vessel occupation time and increase the reliability and accuracy of the inspection.
SONIA is the newest electronic technology for non-destructive testing (NDT) applications using Ultrasonic (UT) techniques. The architecture of SONIA is innovative in as much as it has been designed to acquire ultrasonic signals in the proximity of the sensors and transmit them to the acquisition computer using digital fiber-optic links. This allows the length of the analogue lines to be reduced to a minimum, thus increasing the signal/noise ratio of the signals and simplifying the integration of the data acquisition system in remote environments or large machines, as normally occurs in the nuclear and aeronautic sectors, and certain industrial applications. Two main lines are available: SONIA COMPACT y SONIA MODULAR to permit you choose the best HW architecture to your application.
The ETBox Family of instruments for acquisition based on the eddy current method offers a variety of products, among which you will find the one best suited to your specific working needs, providing state-of-the-art technology solutions to help you fulfil your objectives. These instruments come equipped with a set of applications that allow for the performance of all the processes of acquisition, analysis and results in different areas of the industry.
ETbox8i is the most powerful model in the family and is designed for complex applications in which several coils or array probes are used. It is a lightweight and robust instrument without external ventilation, this making it ideal for operation in aggressive environments with contamination or high temperatures.
ETbox2i is the most compact, small size and low weight version, but provides all the configuration and operating mode options available in the ETbox family.
Tecnatom designs and manufactures a large number of eddy current probe types to cover the needs of all kind of inspections and different configuration shapes of the inspection areas: EC Probes, ECArray Probes and Other EC Probes.
Tecnatom-ndt offers a set of integrated software programs to optimize data acquisition and analysis for Nuclear Field aplications. This set of software includes INSPECTVIEW ULTRASONIC SUITE for UT and TEDDY SIRIONET SUITE for ET.
Teddy Sirionet Suite offers a set of integrated software programs to optimize data acquisition (TeddyACQ) and analysis (TeddyEVA) for reactor vessel inspection. It supports different techniques and probes: Bobbin, MRPC, Array, Bobbin Profile, Multicoil Profile. The Teddy software allows you to automate the acquisition and analysis processes: automatic execution of inspection plans and automated analysis are at your disposal.
Several systems and procedures it have been qualified for different qualification bodies like PDI (USA), STUK (Finland), CEIDRE (France), GRUVAL (Spain), SQC (Sweden), Specific qualifications RSEM (China)